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Nice meetings in Securika Mips Moscow

File: Exhibitions Time: 2018-03-23 View: 2393

Securika Moscow is the leading exhibition of security and fire protection equipments and products in Russia. It was appreciated for Foutec to visit and have meetings with some partners during the exhibition to perfect ourselves. 

Security products shows were mostly focused on exhibition hall 2 this time. After meetings and discussions with partners, we found that our these housings are mostly popular In their opinion , especially for Miniature cameras, they prefer to smaller size, like 20x20mm,or 32mmx32mm in size. For solutions, most partners still prefer to 2.0 megapixel cameras at the moment.

It was really excited to meet some current partners and potential partners. Meetings make us to know more information of Russia security market, to know more information of Russia partners requests, to know more efficient communication ways between us.

All feedbacks from partners are valuable and definitely will help us to improve our products and service to meet the requirements for Russia market.


You are always welcome to have a meeting with Foutec to provide your comments!


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